To Businesses
If you have products you feel are relevant to the content of Just Add Cayenne or me personally, and would like to send samples, please feel free to contact me. I am a close to 30 year old male with a wonderful wife and no kids…yet. I hold an office job in accounting, but my true passion is cooking, eating, and sharing healthy food and lifestyle tips.
To contact, please e-mail me at RCrown2 at aol dot com with an appropriate subject line and any information you feel necessary to share. I enjoy promoting companies with a positive message and that treats their consumers with respect. Whenever possible, I prefer to host a giveaway for my readers and would appreciate your business agreeing to provide additional products to support this.
I also seek out and contact companies myself if their products interest me and I feel would be beneficial to review on my blog.
If you send me free samples to review, I will….
- not promise a review will be posted, but will try my best if it is something I enjoyed.
- not totally slam a product if I did not like it, I just won’t post a review for that item.
- always provide my honest opinion, both pros and cons.
- promote my review of your product(s) on Just Add Cayenne, Facebook and Twitter to viewers interested in a healthy lifestyle; this gains readers for me and potential customers for you.
To Readers
The product reviews I post may be items I purchased myself or provided for free from a business. I will always disclose how I obtained the item being reviewed and can promise that I will only provide my honest opinion. If I sampled something I absolutely did not like, I won’t post a review as I feel it is unethical to completely knock a product. Please keep in mind that I may have contacted the company myself to try a product I already feel good about which usually means most of my reviews will be positive ones.
I believe truthfulness is the best way to gain loyal followers and I want only the best experience for all readers. The ability to try something great and share with my readers is a great feeling, if you ever feel I am being unjust, please call me out on it.
Again, I have never received monetary compensation for reviewing a product, but will make sure to provide full disclosure.
Thank you for visiting my site, please contact me for any questions or comments.
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