
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My Slow Return to Blogging and A Small Change in Content

Hello,'s been a while!  My job got the best of me and required my full attention to where I just wasn't able to fit blogging in.  After long days at work, I'd push myself through workouts and try to spend more time with Kelley.
It's still pretty busy and I am enjoying my time with Kelley too much to just come back full throttle like before.  Now, I'd like to post more of my thoughts and not stress so much about having healthy recipes with each post.  This will become more of what's on my mind in the health world.
I am working on increasing my strength while not losing too much of my conditioning from when I just ran a lot.  I decreased how much I run and do more explosive-type exercises after some heavy lifting.
Trying to find a good routine that combines both has proven harder than I expected and I seem to burn myself out a lot.  I'm taking this week as a deload week but find I'm still doing more metcon (Crossfit WOD) kind of work outs. Although I'm not lifting heavy, these met-cons are still pretty intense.
I only keep a hand-written log of my workouts, but plan to share here on my blog now.  If you are reading this and ever have any advice or questions, please comment away and I'll be sure to respond.  Starting soon, I will post some of my daily eats and workouts along with anything on my mind.
I won't stress to take pictures of everything I do right now, but if I have something to share, I'll share it. To any of my followers or anyone just now stumbling on to this blog, I hope you come back to read more.  Please send any suggestions and let me know what you do/don't like about my proposed changes.
Until next time.....have a great day and keep healthy and fit!

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