
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WIAW #33 Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drink Review - A Liquid Treat!

Are you craving something clean, refreshing, a little bubbly, and healthful to boot?  No, it's not kombucha, I've got something else you need to try....Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drinks!

Like kombucha, these are loaded with stomach pleasing probiotics and not loaded with sugar like I do see in kombucha drinks. Plus, they even add apple cider vinegar which I'm a fan of already. Kevita has several coconut flavors sweetened with stevia and I stuck to only trying these. There are some flavors with higher sugar content, but I liked the coconut versions having only 10 to 20 calories for the whole bottle.

When not drinking plain water, these are the ingredients I like to see in a beverage!

Since my meal pictures are still lacking, I am focusing more on this fun filled "treat" that's not spooky in the slightest. Sorry for deviating from the normal What I Ate Wednesday procedures, but sometimes you just have to change it up.  Plus, these Kevita drinks are worth talking about. I do want to give a great, big thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting as usual; now go on over and pay her a visit!!" target="_blank">
" alt="Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats" />

I had the Mango Coconut first thing in the morning on an empty stomach instead of my morning coffee. The result? I felt more energized by this caffeine-free beverage than my big mug o'coffee; and no stomach pains either! Win! I wanted to go and be outdoors all day with this in my body, but I had to go to work  Fortunately, I was able to focus on my work better, so I'll take that for now.

I brought the Strawberry Acai Coconut one to work for a special beverage to enjoy with my lunch and again, I just felt good all over.  Plus, I work standing up and eating lunch can be a chore, but at least the drink was no problem!

My favorite is the pure Coconut Kevita with it's clean, effervescent taste that just makes you feel....good. The other flavors look and sound like they'd be tasty treats too, and their sugar content is the same as or less than kombucha.  If you are looking for a cleaner, crispier alternative to the more pungent probiotic drinks, look no further than Kevita Sparkling Probiotic Drinks.

Pick one up next time you're at the store, and let me know your thoughts.  Have you already tried these?  If so, what's your favorite flavor?
Oh, and here's a quick look at some of my eats....

[B] Spicy Carrot and Cauliflower Dip; iced black tea with vanilla rooibos; [S] Drew's Salsa and goat cheese crackers with green tea; [L] Medley of steamed veggies and Wild Planet Tuna topped with Drew's Salsa; Zevia to wash it all down; [D] Huge salad with radishes and grilled chicken topped with salsa; [D2] Chocolate delicata squash and spinach smoothie with pistachios, PB; then a cup of chocolate protein overnight oats...for good measure ; )
Happy WIAW, hope you have a great a week and your Fall is filled with pumpkins and apples!


  1. Oh I've never heard of that drink before, but it sounds awesome!!!

    Mmmm love Drew's salsa!!

    1. You have to try it at least once, I promise you'll like. Ok, I can't promise that, but odds are, you'll like it!

      Yes, Drew's has some great quality salsa and dressings!!

  2. I have seen this brand around but not tried it yet! I usually drink kombucha in the morning as a sub for my coffee these days. It has the same effect you are speaking of- crazy amounts of energy! I love it! That carrot and cauli dip looks good!

    1. I recommend giving it a shot next time you see it. If you like the kombucha, my favorite is Synergy's Gingerade or Trilogy, you will love the Kevita drinks. They are smoother and the coconut is just awesome. It smells like coconut immediately after opening the bottle.

      I have the carrot dip posted on my recipe page if you care to see. Just let me know if you can't find it and I'll happily send you think link.

  3. I LOVE Kevita drinks! My favorite is the mango coconut but I'm also a huge fan of the pomegranate and strawberry. Yum!

    1. Glad to hear how much you love the drinks! Any of the coconut ones are right up my alley; now if only I could afford to have one every day...hmmm

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Nice review you have here! Drinking Probiotics can help to regulate your digestive system and boost your immune system. Additionally, probiotics can treat common digestive problems, such as diarrhea, bloating and an upset stomach. I used to drink Yakult a probiotic milk, I find these products not only delicious but perfect health-emerging & balancing as well!
