
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sick on vacation...

Kelley, my wife, and Abby, our Golden Retriever, are in Breckenrige, CO this week. I have been fighting a constant headache from a sinus infection since before we even left 5 days ago. I have what feels like a something the size of Texas and Alaska combined on my nose. Without getting into the gruesome details, I'll just it is the worst headache I can ever remember.

Being the stubborn person I am, after a slow start I have been able to enjoy all of outdoor activities Kelley and I have wanted to do. I hate admit, but I am pretty tired by the end of the day. This is hard for me to admit as I usually don't tire easily.

Anyway, aside from the Advil I have been taking, I owe some gratitude to the cayenne I have been adding to my foods. As seen in the listed benefit below, I feel the multiple daily use of this item helps tremendously.... Without drugs.

• Cayenne is useful in alleviating allergies, muscle cramp, improving digestion, gives more pep and energy, and helps wound healing with minimal scar tissue.

Try adding this to your soup or on veggies for a nutritional kick. To minimize the burn, vinegar is very helpful and tasty too. I will post a recipe once I have computer access.

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