A foodie's quest to turn up the heat through strength and conditioning with whole food and a hungry mind.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Meatless Monday: Green Smoothies and Black Beans with Brown Rice

 How was your weekend? Did you do anything “green” for St. Patrick’s Day?
I took a shot at making a green smoothie with frozen banana and spinach; first vanilla flavored, and then mint chocolate. I was hoping to replicate the green smoothie Katie made on her blog at Chocolate-Covered Katie, but it wasn’t quite the same.

What do you think?

Do these compare?

At least Kelley enjoyed her mint chocolate smoothie!

I topped mine with pistachios (more green!) and frozen chopped carrots for good contrast.

Kelley and I walked over to a neighbor’s house on Saturday night for a St. Patrick’s neighborhood party and we finally got to meet some neighbors. We just moved in a few months ago, so it was good to mingle with the people we usually just wave to as we pass by.

There was green food and beer throughout the host’s home, but nothing Kelley and I really cared to try. However, I did find myself wondering if any green food was made “green” by pureeing spinach or another green veggie instead of artificial coloring. Beer pureed with spinach…anyone? Didn’t think so.

I cooked more NuNaturals stevia sweetened protein snacks than usual this weekend and they all came out pretty good. Well, besides the microwave chocolate cake I tried to make without actually measuring ingredients; as you can see, that didn’t go so well….

Mug Overflow!

The remains....

Cooking and preparing food each day takes a lot of my time and always leaves Kelley waiting for me to finish. The extra snacks I cooked are meant to replace my daily purees of squash, fruit, and almond milk as well as chopping apples and carrots to use as a mock cereal. Basically, I’m trying not to eat so much with a spoon and a cup which is my most common manner of eating in the evening. We’ll see how it goes this week, but with some of the goods I cooked, it shouldn’t be too difficult.
Yum! Who needs stuff in a cup with these Chocolate Protein Brownies?

Packed and ready for lunch!!
Today’s Meatless Monday lunch will be black beans and brown rice; I wasn’t lying about having beans and rice on Friday’s Post! This is no disappointment though; I snuck a taste (quality control!) and am very pleased with the outcome.

Want to make this for yourself? It’s easy, healthy, and inexpensive….a winning combo!

Ingredients (serves 3-4):

•3/4 cup brown rice
•3/4 cup dried black beans, soaked overnight (you can use canned too, just rinse and drain first)
•3 - 4 cloves garlic, minced
•1 onion; I used a package of frozen and chopped onion
•1 package of frozen French style green beans
•1 package of frozen chopped broccoli
•1 cup preferred broth or stock
•1/2 cup of your favorite salsa
•2 tablespoons spicy brown or yellow mustard
•Mixture of several herbs and spices including: cumin, chili powder, basil, cilantro, turmeric, and cayenne


1. Heat non-stick deep skillet or sauce pan on medium-high
2. Add garlic and onion. Cook for three minutes or until soft
3. Add rice and stir around to lightly toast it; about one minute
4. Add all remaining ingredients
5. Cook for about 45 minutes; the liquid should be mostly absorbed

Told you it was easy. If you don’t mind have things more than once a week, I’d suggest making a double batch for another meal throughout the week.

Have you ever made a large (to you) purchase and felt the need to cut back elsewhere?

I have (hence the recipe above), but I’m sure we’d be ok either way. Plus, this new camera takes some great pics! Enjoy your week!

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